Early Bird Pricing Through October 29th. Limited Spaces Available!


Unlock Your Light Business Potential: A Quantum Leap to Success

Unlock Your Light Business Potential: A Quantum Leap to Success

Are you a lightworker, healer, coach, or spiritual practitioner feeling stuck in your business journey? It’s time to align your energy, amplify your impact, and manifest the abundance you deserve!

Introducing: The Light Business Mentoring Program

Introducing: The Light Business Mentoring Program

Channeled directly from The Council and brought to you by Christy Whitman, international bestselling author of “Quantum Success,” this transformative program is your gateway to creating a thriving conscious business you’ll love.

Why Take This Program…


Alignment + Momentum = Quantum Success: Learn how to harmonize your energy with your business goals for exponential growth.


Proven Track Record: Our mentees have become Hay House authors, built full-staff businesses and generated six-figure incomes in record time.


Holistic Approach: Blend spiritual principles with practical business strategies for a truly aligned entrepreneurial journey.

What You’ll Gain:


Clarity on Your ‘Why’: Uncover your true purpose and align it with your business vision.


Universal Principles: Master quantum principles for sustainable success and abundance.


Energetic Fine-Tuning: Receive guidance from The Council to optimize your energetic alignment.


Practical Tools: Access the QuantumCoach all-in-one management system, designed specifically for light-based businesses.


Accelerated Growth: Learn from 20+ years of industry experience, avoiding common pitfalls and fast-tracking your success.

What We Will Cover:


Simplify your business operations


Create stunning websites with ease


Develop and offer transformative courses


Streamline your client management


All are tailored for lightworkers, healers, coaches, and practitioners!

When We Will Meet:

Time: 11am to 12:30 pm PT / 2pm to 3:30 pm ET
Time Zone Converter >> (U se New York for Eastern Time)

Note: Various days, however the time remains the same for each date.


November 8, 13, 20, 29


December 4, 13, 20


January 3, 10, 17, 24, 31


February 7, 14, 21, 28


March 5, 14, 21, 28


April 4, 18, 25


May 2

Replays made available within one business day.





QSCA Light Business Program Modules

QSCA Light Business Program Modules

Prepare to learn all the industry secrets, tools, and step-by-step techniques to have your Light business work for you! I’m so excited to be sharing the innovative new course with you, with never-before-shared information, so get ready to unlock that next level of your Light Business success.

Each month will focus on one of the six modules, which will include energy work, releasing blocks and resistance, mentoring and coaching to your individual business, and focused topics included below:


You! Your Mission, Why, Vision, Goals, Action Plan, and Accountability’

Raising Your Vibration, Creating Your Highest Future’


Your Ideal Client-To truly understand who your ideal client is and what they want, you must understand their motivations first. We will segment your audience in different segments so you know how to communicate to them based on your service provided.

Opening to Receive, Expanding Your Business Container, Manifesting Your Destiny.


With all the different platforms and ways of offering your business, you will gain clarity of what feels the most exciting and fun for you.

Public Recognition and Becoming a World Server.


Creating Your Offering, Video and PR,
Magnetizing Business, Clients and Money


QuantumCoachTM technology

Mentoring and Coaching


Social Media and Marketing Guest Speakers
Mentoring and Coaching

Are You Ready to Shine?

Are You Ready to Shine?

Join a select group of like-minded souls on this transformative journey. Spaces are limited to ensure personalized attention and maximum impact.

Limited-Time Offer!

Limited-Time Offer!

Experience the power of personalized mentoring at a fraction of the usual investment. Previously offered at $25,000 per year, this program is now available for less than a quarter of that price!






Secure Your Spot Now!

Secure Your Spot Now!

Early bird pricing through October 29th.

Spaces Are Limited!


Align your energy, amplify your impact, and create the conscious business of your dreams. Your quantum leap to success awaits!

Align your energy, amplify your impact, and create the conscious business of your dreams. Your quantum leap to success awaits!

This program is designed for passionate individuals ready to take their light-based business to new heights. If you’re committed to serving others while achieving time and financial freedom, this is your calling!


Hear It In Their Own Words

Hear It In Their Own Words


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“I first came across Christy in 2013 and at that point, I had been through 5 extremely difficult years financially and my husband had just been diagnosed with dementia.

Prior to that, I had had a golden life both career-wise and in my personal life but once things had fallen apart, I just couldn’t get it all back. I felt that if I worked harder, I’d find the solution and get back on track but each day seemed to lump more problems my way.

I’m a competitive horse-rider and I had been playing with applying simple Law of Attraction processes to achieve better results in my riding. It sounds obvious but I eventually wondered whether I needed to stop trying harder and harder in the rest of my life, take a step in a different direction and try LOA.

That is where Christy comes in. I found her manner and explanations of LOA so engaging that I decided to enrol with her QSCA to study this further. I had no intention of becoming a coach, I just wanted to apply the principles to my own life. However, it wasn’t long before I started to see subtle shifts for the better. I was hooked and determined to become a coach.

At the end of my QSCA training, I had the great honour of being selected to mentor personally with Christy for a year. She sowed the seeds that I am still reaping many years later. My life has turned around, I’m in a great place, I feel confident that I am deliberately creating the future I want and I am able to create the essence of how I want to feel on a very consistent basis.

I have a Horse Assisted Coaching business and it is really taking off in directions I could only dream about.

It was my dream to do a TEDx talk – well, that happened last year. The successes are too numerous to list.
As I write this letter, I realise just what a great place I am in.

I am proud to be a member of Christy’s family and so relieved and grateful that I discovered her at just the right time. As with everything, it is a continual process and I still work constantly on my inner stance through Christy’s programs and guidance.

Christy’s influence has helped me create the life I want and has equipped me with the qualifications to be able to help many, many more people to do the same. Massive, massive gratitude!!”

June Burgess


“My life totally changed in ways I never dreamed possible.

Before I joined this coaching program, I had been out of work for a year and a half, had run out of unemployment, couldn’t find a job and didn’t know where to turn. I had spent years suffering from anxiety and depression due to severe trauma and abuse and felt deeply discouraged.

While I was sitting down to meditate one day, I remembered that I had always wanted to be a life coach. When I went to check my emails, the first email I saw said “Have You Ever Thought About Being A Life Coach?” and it was from Christy Whitman. This ray of hope stirred my heart and I began to feel alive again, as I started choosing to follow my heart’s desire. The money for the tuition seemed to magically appear and everything flowed for me to be able to join.

Within a month I attracted my dream job that allowed me the flexibility to continue with the training and create the income to support myself and my family.

Because of this training, I healed my past and became free of the anxiety and depression that had crippled my life for years. Now I have my own business, making $250 an hour to coach other coaches and healers to “transcend their traumas, abolish the affects of their abuse and become victorious over being a victim in all areas of their lives.”

I am also an Instructor and Mentor for the QSCA and gratefully serve as part of their support team. I make two to three times the income I ever did in the past, even as a nurse, and work half the hours. So now I have time to enjoy my family, travel, have fun, meditate, exercise, and do what I want to take care of myself daily. I am totally having it all my way and enjoying every moment!

So, if you are on the fence about joining the QSCA, I recommend that you go within, follow your heart, and trust the process, just like I did. The time, money, and everything you need will be there for you!”

Nada Howarth


“My current business has expanded beyond my imagination attracting amazing clients! I love the range of topics, how the QSCA is organized, the depth of the program, and the accessibility of the QSCA Team! It exceeded my expectations far greater than any program I have been enrolled in. Along with the fabulous Bonuses, I have made lifelong friendships here in the Academy. By practicing and implementing what I have learned in the QSCA, in a few short months, my current business has expanded beyond my imagination attracting amazing clients!”

Maggie Lukowski

“As a new student I loved having the ability to talk directly to the founder and all of the administrative staff rather than being pushed off to some of the other staff. It really makes you realize that you all are here to see us become successful and to do what you can to see us through. I think when an owner/founder takes an active part in talking with the coaches, we feel more comfortable about joining more courses of hers as we know we have her support.

Thank you also for allowing us to have access to all of the teachings for as long as we need it. As we all know, sometimes things don’t go the way we anticipate and therefore we don’t get the lessons completed as we had planned. By knowing that we have the ability to keep going and don’t have a cutoff, it makes us (at least me) keep going without the emotion of reaching a time limit and then thinking of ourselves as a failure because we couldn’t finish in time. I think this in itself adds huge credibility to the program and I greatly appreciate all of you. Thank you! Thank you!”


Jennifer Fenimore

“I am at peace and comfortable with myself – and that is the greatest gift ever! I took a leap of faith when I signed up for QSCA. I didn’t know how I would pay for it and I certainly didn’t have the confidence to actually coach people. 6 months into the program, I am so glad that I followed my intuition and took that leap of faith. I’m not only learning the skills and building the confidence to be a fantastic LOA coach, but I’m making huge strides in my personal life. Thank you for helping down this path to my life’s purpose.”

Jennifer Fenimore


“The QSCA has changed my life at a time when I truly was losing hope. The classes have been nothing but quality information geared at really raising my vibrations so I can be a vessel of light for my clients. Thank you all so much for your unconditional love and for also providing an amazing payment plan. I am more than confident now in my ability to coach people successfully-I will surely pay it forward.”

London Holt


“I am really in love with the QSCA. I have attended the QSB as well, and have grown so much! I am learning to meditate!! Which at first was very difficult.I am growing as a person everyday by being part of the QSCA, and I am able to share my true self with the world. I am so excited to be able to finally, FINALLY go out there and make a difference. I love the QSCA, because it is giving me the tools and teachings that I NEED to accomplish what I was set out to do.”

Tiffany Kiefer


“Thank you to Christy Whitman for creating an amazing, comprehensive program. I have enjoyed every aspect of the QSCA program. In the almost 5 months of live classes, there is an abundance of information with support. I have had my moments of self doubt but with the coaching which is available, I was emotionally supported and regain my confidence. This group attracts the most supportive type of individuals, which then translates into the compassionate people striving to be that type of QSCA Coach.”

Susan Golman


As a Master-Certified Law of Attraction Coach, Christy Whitman understands what it’s like to strive for a purpose-filled life. One that brings you joy through how you serve other people and also gives you the freedom and income to enjoy your life to the fullest.

She also knows how hard it can be to feel confident, organized, and stay on track when growing your coaching business.

Christy has helped over three-thousand coaches take their innate gifts and skills and turn them into profitable fulfilling businesses.

Christy Whitman


As a Master-Certified Law of Attraction Coach, Christy Whitman understands what it’s like to strive for a purpose-filled life. One that brings you joy through how you serve other people and also gives you the freedom and income to enjoy your life to the fullest.

She also knows how hard it can be to feel confident, organized, and stay on track when growing your coaching business.

Christy has helped over three-thousand coaches take their innate gifts and skills and turn them into profitable fulfilling businesses.

Here’s what clients are saying about working with Christy Whitman and QSCA:

Here’s what clients are saying about working with Christy Whitman and QSCA:



Catherine Mazure

“The brilliance of the Quantum Success Coaching Academy is that it is a vehicle for not just becoming a certified life coach, but that it is also a personal transformational program. It is like getting 2 for 1!”

Catherine Mazure

Francisco Tolentino

“I have experienced fabulous advancement in my personal growth working with The QSCA and Christy.”

Francisco Tolentino

Wendy Mouldey

“I misunderstood the wealth of knowledge and support that would be set before me through the QSCA..”

Wendy Mouldey

Hear It In Their Own Words

Hear It In Their Own Words


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“Thank you Christy for designing such a beautiful, meaningful, action/results-oriented program! I am halfway through the QSCA program at the time of writing this, and the growth and positive results I am realizing in my life are astonishing to me! My life has transformed from misery to joy due to the skills I have acquired, and I see a clear picture for my future as a Professional, QSCA Certified Coach. The content of the program is robust and the support and resources are phenomenal. Anyone desiring true, tangible change – whether for personal growth or to build/improve a business – will experience tremendous value from becoming a student of QSCA.”

Janet (Jacobsen) Raino

“I feel incredibly blessed to have found the QSCA and to have taken this transformational journey. s a seeker, a life-long learner, I have always sought opportunities for growth. The QSCA has provided a safe, supportive, enriching environment for personal reflection, knowledge and skill acquisition, expansion of thought and sharing with like minded change makers. I am confident that with the QSCA’s interactive and experiential format I will soon own and manage a successful Law Of Attraction Coaching business that will support and inspire my clients to co-create the life they desire. I love knowing that I am a member of the QSCA family and that I always have access to the resources and personnel that make the QSCA known for excellence and leadership in the personal development industry.”

Joanna Jodrey


“As a student in the QSCA, office hours were awesome for getting all my questions about the course answered and Christy & The Council always gave so much inspiration and insight on the energy side of reality. As a certified coach I love office hours, it is like a booster shot of light, love, and connection! There has never been a time in which I have not received new insight when attending even when I have not had any questions of my own! I highly recommend these light-filled office hours!”

Carrie Wooden


“This has been a wonderful journey of personal and professional growth. My biggest success story has been increasing the income coming into my Life Purpose business 10 TIMES in 2020, during a pandemic. I have been working diligently at my business since 2016 and finally it felt like everything suddenly clicked into place and I began to make so many strides with my business revenue. It was a huge breakthrough for me because this has been the one sticking point in my life and my greatest dream all at the same time.”

Angela Kraft-Meldah


“The Quantum Success Coaching Academy is one of the most complete and efficient coaching certification programs out there. Did many coaching programs, but I never felt I had enough experience to start my own coaching business. The QSCA is very practical oriented and pushes you to get out of your comfort zone and practice coaching to fulfill the requirements. The program comprises a wonderful mix of coaching practices, techniques and energy work. All clearly and abundantly explained throughout the modules by Christy herself. I absolutely loved the program, which helped me first of all personally to grow and evolve, to have faith and trust in myself and the Universe. Second, it gave me amazing coaching tools and examples to be able to coach other people. Thank you to Christy and her team for creating such an amazing program.”

Carmen Mezinca

Gerrit Weerdmeester

“I have come to know Office Hours as a unique and safe place, where every member of the QSCA family can share whatever (work-related or personal) question/worry that they may have. Here they are met with compassion, unconditional acceptance, and the willingness to help them forward in their journey.
After having attended Office Hours, I often feel inspired and peaceful.

Everyone who starts their online certification training at The Quantum Success Coaching Academy has unlimited access to Office Hours.
After I have been certified this didn’t stop. I keep having access to Office Hours (like everyone who finishes the online program), for life.
How unique is that?

There is more, much more about the QSCA. When you start your certification training, you get (apart from the superb quality of the training itself) your own portal with access to the training modules and a wide variety of tools and resources.
And guess what: after having been certified, you keep having this access, for life again.

The professional and warm support from the QSCA support team, during your journey, and (again) after you have been certified, makes this journey in the QSCA also unforgettable.

The total package that the QSCA offers, as I see it, is unparalleled in terms of value for money.”

Gerrit Weerdmeester

Karen Shier

“I was excited and honored to participate in the 8-Week Group Coaching Program led by Beth Myers as my mentor. During our time together my husband and I made a decision to sell our current home and move to a new home closer to his job. As I had experienced the selling/buying of homes in the past as anxious and less than fun, my intention with this experience was to have it flow with ease and grace, connect with my Divine Support Team, trust, and joyfully expect a positive outcome in Divine timing. With Beth’s mentoring, support, and encouragement, the process went amazingly smooth as I focused with gratitude and consciously created what I wanted to happen with ease and grace. It was truly a joyful, real-life Law of Attraction in Action experience. Thank you Beth – I’m grateful to you.

Karen Shier, Midlife Transformation Guide, Author, & Life Coach”

Karen Shier

Bette Wilder

“I have been working as a Deaf Life Coach for the past five years, from 2018 to now, 2023, and into the new year, 2024. During this time, I have been mastering my skills in designing and creating content and overcoming other business challenges on my Facebook Coaching Business page. My goal is to attract and serve high-end Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals.

Throughout my journey, I have experienced both successes and setbacks, which have helped me learn and grow. By following my intuition and using my energy wisely, I have been able to expand my business and take on more responsibility. My mentor, Beth Myers, has been a great source of encouragement and inspiration, and I have also learned valuable lessons from other coaches.

I am grateful for Beth’s mentoring and coaching, as she understands the unique challenges faced by coaches and business owners, and has helped me develop strategies for success. As a result, I have been able to provide better services to my clients and achieve my goals.

I highly recommend the QSCA Mentoring program, which I have been a part of for more than eight days. Thank you to Beth and the QSCA team for their excellent service and support.”

Bette Wilder

“Office Hours are a time for coaches to receive: support, guidance, clarification, role modeling and a way to check in our own coaching practice remains in alignment with the training we have received. With gratitude for this offering.”

Zahra Dhanani

It’s your turn to become a confident, prosperous and successful coach, lightworker, healer, coach, or spiritual practitioner!

It’s your turn to become a confident, prosperous and successful coach, lightworker, healer, coach, or spiritual practitioner!

