


How To Grow Your Service-Based Business and Get Paid What You’re Worth! …Have both Passion and Profit no matter what stage you are at in your business…

Join Christy Whitman for this 60-minute live Masterclass and Q&A on October 29th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET, where you will discover how you can:

  • Unlock Untapped Revenue From Your Service Business and Attract New Clients!
  • Start getting paid for your Light service and attract business, clients, opportunities, and sales…in full alignment with you and your Soul… even if you are a new or veteran Coach, Healer, Therapist, or Wellness expert.

Every Lightworker dreams of having a business that fulfills them spiritually and financially.

We all love the idea of “do what you love, and the money will flow.”

And every coach, author, speaker, healer, and practitioner wants to see their clients succeed, while being paid well in the process so they can continue to do their important work.

But there is a better way to generate consistent revenue from your Light business than spinning your wheels on social media, overspending on marketing or advertising, and overworking just to make it each month.


Come to this Masterclass on October 29th at 6pm PT / 9pm ET where I will show you the way. (Time Zone Converter >> Use New York For Eastern Time)

Register now to join the conversation and get your questions answered.


Free Masterclass


Here’s What Coaches, Authors, Speakers, Healers and Practitioners Are Saying About

Working With Christy Whitman

Working With Christy Whitman

About Your Host, Christy Whitman

Christy Whitman is a New York Times bestselling author, transformational leader, and Master Certified Law of Attraction Coach. She has appeared on The Today Show and The Morning Show, and her work has been featured in People Magazine, Seventeen, Woman’s Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, among others. As the CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Coaching Academy, a 10-month Law of Attraction online coaching certification program.

The Quantum Success Coaching Academy (QSCA) has been certifying top coaches around the world since 2008. It is the most comprehensive and transformational coach training in the world.

Christy has helped thousands of people worldwide to achieve their goals through her empowerment seminars, speeches, and coaching sessions and products.

Christy’s life-changing message reaches over 150,000 people a month, and her work has been promoted by and featured with esteemed authors and luminaries such as Marianne Williamson, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Marci Shimoff, Brian Tracy, Neale Donald Walsch, Abraham-Hicks, and Louise Hay. She currently lives in Scottsdale with her husband, Frederic, and their two boys, Alexander and Maxim, and their dog Jax.


What People Are Saying

What People Are Saying


“I first came across Christy in 2013 and at that point, I had been through 5 extremely difficult years financially and my husband had just been diagnosed with dementia.

Prior to that, I had had a golden life both career-wise and in my personal life but once things had fallen apart, I just couldn’t get it all back. I felt that if I worked harder, I’d find the solution and get back on track but each day seemed to lump more problems my way.

I’m a competitive horse-rider and I had been playing with applying simple Law of Attraction processes to achieve better results in my riding. It sounds obvious but I eventually wondered whether I needed to stop trying harder and harder in the rest of my life, take a step in a different direction and try LOA.

That is where Christy comes in. I found her manner and explanations of LOA so engaging that I decided to enrol with her QSCA to study this further. I had no intention of becoming a coach, I just wanted to apply the principles to my own life. However, it wasn’t long before I started to see subtle shifts for the better. I was hooked and determined to become a coach.

At the end of my QSCA training, I had the great honour of being selected to mentor personally with Christy for a year. She sowed the seeds that I am still reaping many years later. My life has turned around, I’m in a great place, I feel confident that I am deliberately creating the future I want and I am able to create the essence of how I want to feel on a very consistent basis.

I have a Horse Assisted Coaching business and it is really taking off in directions I could only dream about.

It was my dream to do a TEDx talk – well, that happened last year. The successes are too numerous to list.
As I write this letter, I realise just what a great place I am in.

I am proud to be a member of Christy’s family and so relieved and grateful that I discovered her at just the right time. As with everything, it is a continual process and I still work constantly on my inner stance through Christy’s programs and guidance.

Christy’s influence has helped me create the life I want and has equipped me with the qualifications to be able to help many, many more people to do the same. Massive, massive gratitude!!”

June Burgess


“As a Therapist and Results Oriented Coach, I have always been drawn to powerful and loving mentors who can make a big difference for my clients and myself.

Several years ago, I completed Christy Whitman’s QSCA Coaching Program, which inspired me to create a 1K Healing Program that consisted of Ho’oponopono Healing and the Law of Attraction. After working with Christy one-on-one, she energetically and physically helped me manifest my Radical Change Coaching Academy, where I get to teach my coaches how to help clients make Big Changes Quickly with some powerful coaching tools, the gift of Ho’oponopono Healing and the pure positive energy that comes from Mastering Energy! I continued with Christy’s Light Body course and her Energy Mastery Program, which has guided me to be more in touch with my own soul and Inner Spirit that guides me to be aligned with all my deepest desires and dreams. This past summer, I was invited to participate in her latest program and movement called The Desire Factor. It’s not just a book or just a program. It’s a needed and healing experience for all who are open to accepting, loving and calling forth into manifestation your deepest and most personal desires in life, love, family, friends and business. Through the years, I have had the honor and gift to journey with Christy as a powerful and committed mentor, as well as a friend and partner in spreading love, light and healing to this world and all those that are ready for love and abundance! I am grateful and blessed for this journey with Christy and all her programs that always deliver more than I asked for or expected. If you are yearning for more, looking to make a bigger difference or ready to live your best life I recommend you sign up for any one of her programs”

Dr. Mary Ozegovich


“What can I say about the QSCA other than it’s truly awesome and life-changing!

On my personal journey I had looked into several coaching programs, but this is the one that I knew in my heart was right for me and for what I was looking to accomplish as I now serve my coaching clients. In the QSCA program, not only did I learn to become a heart-centered and caring Law of Attraction Life Coach, I also experienced so much personal healing and clarity on my journey too. I made so many close friends from all over the world – a true community of like-minded people looking to make the world a better place.

I started in the first online self-paced version of the QSCA program in April, 2020 and finished in January, 2021. Since then I’ve been able to stay connected to Christy Whitman, the QSCA Team, and my coaching friends through the QSCA Office Hours twice each month. I’m now able to help there by sharing my experience with new students and continue to receive answers to my own coaching questions too. The support this program and it’s community offers is tremendous and I’m so glad that it found me at just the right time!”

Karen Shier


“Joining the QSCA has been the most incredible, life change thing I have done for myself! Before I joined the QSCA, I struggled in knowing what my life purpose was or even how to find it.

When I came across Christy’s work, I knew that this was where I needed to be. I signed up without even thinking twice, and I am eternally grateful I followed that inspiration. I loved how interactive the course was, the support was amazing, and being with like-minded people was such a blessing! I learned so much about myself and how to BE a coach! This experience has nurtured and expanded my desire to help others through coaching and energy work. Christy is amazing in how she teaches, how she relates to everyone, making you feel completely comfortable and accepted. She has a way of inspiring you to be and become your best self. I will recommend this program and all of her other work wholeheartedly.”

Carrie Wooden

Jennifer Fenimore

“I am at peace and comfortable with myself – and that is the greatest gift ever! I took a leap of faith when I signed up for QSCA. I didn’t know how I would pay for it and I certainly didn’t have the confidence to actually coach people. 6 months into the program, I am so glad that I followed my intuition and took that leap of faith. I’m not only learning the skills and building the confidence to be a fantastic LOA coach, but I’m making huge strides in my personal life. Thank you for helping down this path to my life’s purpose.”

Jennifer Fenimore


“My current business has expanded beyond my imagination attracting amazing clients! I love the range of topics, how the QSCA is organized, the depth of the program, and the accessibility of the QSCA Team! It exceeded my expectations far greater than any program I have been enrolled in. Along with the fabulous Bonuses, I have made lifelong friendships here in the Academy. By practicing and implementing what I have learned in the QSCA, in a few short months, my current business has expanded beyond my imagination attracting amazing clients!”

M Lukowski


“The QSCA has changed my life at a time when I truly was losing hope. The classes have been nothing but quality information geared at really raising my vibrations so I can be a vessel of light for my clients. Thank you all so much for your unconditional love and for also providing an amazing payment plan. I am more than confident now in my ability to coach people successfully-I will surely pay it forward.”

London Holt

James Hunter

“The love, teaching and support of the staff during this certification process is award-winning.

I just wanted share that being apart of QSCA I have gained so much more clarity and awareness of myself that words cannot describe my gratitude. The love, teaching and support of the staff during this certification process is award-winning.I am confident that going through QSCA Certification I will be able to help many more people to step into their greatness.

If anyone reading this knows that they have the desire and passion to help other people, then you owe it yourself to be apart of the QSCA Family and help others breakthrough and rise.”

James Hunter
